Friday, March 9, 2012

TGIFaces of Ike

This morning I got an e-mail from J. Crew about a big sale, today only. "Give TGIF a whole new meaning," it said. I rolled my eyes and thought,  TGIF is so overused. It's not even clever anymore, J. Crew. Surely Jenna Lyons had nothing to do with this e-mail. 

Then, as I prepared to publish this blog post about the many faces of Ike, I realized I had about 50 pictures in one post. Why not split them up and make it a weekly series? Of course TGIF was my first thought for a title. And suddenly, it felt like a great idea. It's so ubiquitous! Everyone understands it! Jenna Lyons even encourages her marketing team to use it in e-mails! 

Anyway. Happy Friday, and here's Ike:


  1. haha Ike's tired face is amazing! And how did you get the angry face? Yikes!

  2. omg, this is too funny! Especially his scholarly face. Hilarious!!!

    Happy Monday!

