There have been claims that none of the movies filmed here have been of decent quality (The Year One, Mad Money, W). Well this movie, the one whose set has now been graced with Ike's urine, is out to change that reputation:
A comedy set in the Midwest U.S., where an adopted girl discovers her talent for butter carving and finds herself pitted against an ambitious local woman in their town's annual contest.
How could a movie about butter carving be anything but amazing? I just hope Paula Deen has a cameo.
Anyway, as Yoni and I started on our walk we plotted ways to get Ike in with the celebrities. Jennifer Garner stars in Butter, so our first thought was obviously that little Violet and Seraphina would be hanging around on set, and want to play with our little doggy, which would surely end up on Perez Hilton.

But what if Jennifer Garner wasn't around? Alicia Silverstone is in the movie too -huge PETA advocate. We set up a hypothetical scene should she be there that involved us kicking Ike. She would have to intervene. Ike wouldn't mind taking one for the team.
Hugh Jackman could have been there. To attract his attention, we quickly choreographed an Oscars-worthy dance with Ike as the lead.
The other male lead, Rob Corrdry, is known (by us) for his Daily Show correspondence and awesome bangs:

Guys with beards have a special bond; why not guys with bangs?

Other cast members include Ty Burrell (my FAVORITE character from Modern Family), Kristen Schaal (another Daily Show correspondent), Ashley Greene (who was in some movie about vampires or something?) and Olivia Wilde, who I, oops, forget to tell Yoni about because I'm pretty sure she's on his list. We didn't come up with a plan for them; we were SO sure the play date with Jennifer Garner's girls would work out.
As we turned the corner, we spotted our first celebrity:

The fat neighborhood cat we call Wilford Brimley.
And the rest of the journey was just as eventful. We did spot a prop, though.

All in all I'd say ourcelebrity stalking walk was successful. We got some exercise and our yogurt. The only reason I left work for an hour on a busy Wednesday to take a walk. Yep. Gotta have my midday yogurt.
How could a movie about butter carving be anything but amazing? I just hope Paula Deen has a cameo.
Anyway, as Yoni and I started on our walk we plotted ways to get Ike in with the celebrities. Jennifer Garner stars in Butter, so our first thought was obviously that little Violet and Seraphina would be hanging around on set, and want to play with our little doggy, which would surely end up on Perez Hilton.

But what if Jennifer Garner wasn't around? Alicia Silverstone is in the movie too -huge PETA advocate. We set up a hypothetical scene should she be there that involved us kicking Ike. She would have to intervene. Ike wouldn't mind taking one for the team.
Hugh Jackman could have been there. To attract his attention, we quickly choreographed an Oscars-worthy dance with Ike as the lead.
The other male lead, Rob Corrdry, is known (by us) for his Daily Show correspondence and awesome bangs:

Guys with beards have a special bond; why not guys with bangs?

Other cast members include Ty Burrell (my FAVORITE character from Modern Family), Kristen Schaal (another Daily Show correspondent), Ashley Greene (who was in some movie about vampires or something?) and Olivia Wilde, who I, oops, forget to tell Yoni about because I'm pretty sure she's on his list. We didn't come up with a plan for them; we were SO sure the play date with Jennifer Garner's girls would work out.
As we turned the corner, we spotted our first celebrity:

The fat neighborhood cat we call Wilford Brimley.
And the rest of the journey was just as eventful. We did spot a prop, though.
All in all I'd say our